【Product Insights Series-myBaits® Expert Predesigned Panels】

Date: 2024-5-17

myBaits® Expert Predesigned Panels是由Daicel Arbor Biosciences公司所研發設計,一系列可以立即使用的NGS Target enrichment kit。此組kit能夠有效在建庫時針對有興趣的目標序列進行捕捉,產生只帶有目標序列的文庫。在NGS上機時,由此可以獲得更高的覆蓋率與深度,避免對整個基因組或轉錄組進行定序,減少reads數浪費,提高經濟效益,並節省後續分析所需的時間。 

myBaits® Expert Predesigned Panels在建庫時使用biotinylated RNA “baits”來捕捉目標基因序列,經由streptavidin-coated magnetic beads與baits結合,將非目標序列清除分離,最後所獲得的library序列可以再進行擴增,或是直接進行NGS上機。

目前myBaits® Expert Predesigned Panels已提供下列套組可做使用,


myBaits® Expert Virus – SARS-CoV-2 (新冠病毒)

myBaits® Expert 16S-Hyb (細菌16S rRNA全長)

myBaits® Expert Wheat Exome (小麥基因組)

myBaits® Expert Mito (粒線體基因組)

myBaits® Expert Onconome (人類癌症相關基因組)

myBaits® Expert UCE (昆蟲、蜘蛛、魚類與四足類超保守元素序列)

myBaits® Expert Angiosperms-353 (被子植物基因組)

myBaits® Expert Compositae-1061 (菊科植物基因組)

myBaits® Expert Whole Genome Enrichment (WGE) (人類全基因組)

Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Sequencing Service

1. Nanopore and Illumina offer a complete range of sequencing platforms for long and short sequences.
2. An excellent choice for high efficiency and quality.
3. Professional sample quality control processes and library preparation.
4. Professional bioinformatics analysis and service consultation.