Customized Service
Professional technicians and equipment. Meet various experimental needs.
Genotyping DNA/RNA Extraction Service QPCR Service Gene Cloning Service Target Gene Sequencing


Genotyping Service

★We use the 3730xl DNA Analyzer and analyze the results with GeneMapper.
1. STR genotype identification analysis.
2. MSI (Microsatellite Instability) analysis.
3. DNA fragment length analysis.

★You can upload your order through the online system. Please indicate the corresponding standards (markers) for the submitted samples in the order.
1. Gene sequencing laboratory maintains a stock of standards. (LIZ500, LIZ600, ROX500)
2. If you provide other self-prepared standards. (Each sample should be accompanied by at least 0.5 µl of standard.)

★Sample requirements
Minimum volume is 10 µl. Please include the electrophoresis image with the sample.

●If you would like to entrust Genotyping Service, please click on the Laboratory Login. After logging in, you can proceed with the order.
●If you need to download the service order form for Genotyping Service, please click on the DOWNLOAD button.


DNA/RNA Extraction Service

DNA/RNA Extraction Service

★Automated Nucleic Acid Extraction Equipment
★Customized Artificial Extraction
★Extraction of DNA, RNA, and microRNA
★Providing DNA/RNA Quality Analysis Reports
★Sample Types : Various animal and plant tissues, blood specimens, bacteria (non-pathogenic strains), fungi (non-pathogenic strains).

QPCR Service

QPCR Service

★Analysis Platform : Biorad CFX384 Real-Time PCR System
1. Gene Expression Quantitative Analysis. (TaqMan Probe or SYBR Green)
2. SNP Phenotypic Analysis. (TaqMan Probe)
★Utilizing a 384-well plate with a minimum reaction volume of 5 µl.

Gene Cloning Service

Gene Cloning Service

★Customized Gene Fragment PCR Amplification
★TA Cloning
★Restriction Enzyme Cloning

Target Gene Sequencing

Target Gene Sequencing Service

★Customized Design of Target Gene Primers
★Amplification of Target Gene Fragments through PCR
★Targeted Gene Fragment Sequencing and Assembly Analysis

Strain Identification

Advantages of Strain Identification Service :
1. Genetic identification methods analyze bacterial 16S and fungal ITS, capable of identifying at the "species" level.
2. Both agar plates and liquid cultures of individual strains are applicable.
3. Reports are generated within 5 working days upon sample receipt.
4. A dedicated data management system is available for customers to download files.