SNP analysis of specified Genes
Prevention is better than cure, early detection leads to early prevention.
SNP analysis of specified Genes Testing Service Flow Chart Example of Results

SNP analysis of specified Genes

Description :

  1. Perform PCR amplification of genomic DNA from the sample using gene-specific primer pairs, followed by sequencing reactions to determine the type of the sequence results.
  2. If you would like to learn more about the testing scope of SNP analysis of specified Genes conducted by the Genetic Lab. Of TRI-I BIOTECH, please click on the TAF official link below for further information.

TAF official link 

Sample type :

  1. Human Whole Blood.
  2. Genomic DNA.

Acceptance criteria :

  1. The absorbance value A260/A280 ratio must be between 1.6-2.0.
  2. If the concentration of DNA is lower than 10 ng/μl (including 10 ng/μl) and there is no PCR product, re-extraction is required.

Reporting of results :

  1. Exclusive test report format for SNP analysis of specified Genes.
  2. Provide the original wave peak diagram after sequencing.
  3. Using specialized bioinformatics analysis software for analysis and providing results of gene locus interpretation.

★If you would like to entrust SNP analysis of specified Genes service, please click on the Laboratory Login. After logging in, you can proceed with the order.
★If you need to download the sample testing service order form for SNP analysis of specified Genes, please click on the DOWNLOAD button.

Testing Service Flow Chart

Example of Results

Strain Identification

Advantages of Strain Identification Service :
1. Genetic identification methods analyze bacterial 16S and fungal ITS, capable of identifying at the "species" level.
2. Both agar plates and liquid cultures of individual strains are applicable.
3. Reports are generated within 5 working days upon sample receipt.
4. A dedicated data management system is available for customers to download files.