Our company offers second-generation Illumina and third-generation Nanopore sequencing platforms.
Researchers can select the sequencing platform and data volume according to their experimental designs.
Apart from standard analyses (sequence assembly, alignment, and database analysis), we also provide customized analysis services.
The primary difference between third-generation Nanopore sequencing and second-generation Illumina platforms lies in the detection method.
Nanopore sequencing detects changes in the electrical current as DNA bases pass through protein nanopores, directly sequencing DNA from the original sample.
It generates long reads, providing better assembly results for larger genomes and continuous repetitive sequences compared to Illumina.
Previously, the error rate of third-generation Nanopore sequencing (5-10%) was notably higher than Illumina's second-generation sequencing (less than 1%).
However, recent developments combining the new R10.4.1 sequencing chip and Kit14 have resulted in high-accuracy and high-output sequencing, significantly improving accuracy to over 99%.
Yes, during genome assembly, incorporating third-generation sequencing data often yields better results in identifying structural variations and continuous repetitive sequences.
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) involves comprehensive sequencing of the entire genome.
However, due to cost considerations and the fact that amino acid mutations often occur in the coding regions transcribed into RNA, known as exons, Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) focuses specifically on sequencing these exonic regions.
These areas typically encompass crucial genes associated with human diseases.
We utilize the Agilent SureSelect Human Whole Exon kit for library preparation.
For sequencing, we recommend a minimum of 100x coverage. If increased sequencing depth is required, we can offer customized services based on experimental needs.
Samples fixed with formalin and embedded in paraffin (FFPE) can compromise nucleic acid structure, leading to DNA degradation and fragmentation, which may affect sequencing quality.
Despite this, FFPE samples can still be sequenced. It's advisable to increase sequencing data volume to ensure higher sequencing depth and enhance coverage of variant sites.
Tri-Ligo Oligo Synthesis
The advantages of Tri-Ligo Oligo synthesis :
1. High-efficiency synthesis speed
2. High-quality quality management
3. Reasonable price and discount
4. Insistence on Made in Taiwan